Recording tuba får Grotesco

Andreas in the studio
Andreas Grill is a Stockholm - Sweden based Composer, Songwriter, Producer and Sound Designer with long experience.
Educated at Berklee College of Music, Boston. Prayner konservatorium in Vienna and music studies in Stockholm.
Studio located at Södermalm in Stockholm where he has composed music for several TV, Film and Theatre productions, Pop Albums and Singles.
Andreas Grill has Composed Music and done Sound Design for Grotesco, a Swedish humor group, for all TV series and stage performances from the start in early 2000. Songs that got a lot of attention was ”Tingaliin” in melodifestivalen 2009 and ”Bögarnas fel” on the TV program "Allsång på Skansen" in 2011. In 2021 Grotesco and DJ Trexx performed the song "They will never stop the dance" on melodifestivalen.
In 2017 Andreas Grill and Andreas Grube composed and produced music for the third season of Grotesco Series for TV. The first episode - Flyktingkrisen - en musikal - is a 30 minute musical about the European migrant crisis and got a lot of attention in Swedish press and media. Andreas Grill won RIA award - Film and Television price in 2018 for best sound experience. Flyktingkrisen also won Rose D'or, Kristallen and Norske seriedager for best comedy serie in 2018.
In 2019 Andreas composed Music and Sound Design for the theatre play Kvinnan i svart (Woman in black).
He also composed music for ART in 2019 together with Andreas Grube. Directed by Edward af Silen.
Andreas Grill composed Music and Sound Design for the theatre performance ”Mormor jag vet att du är i himlen men har du tid en timme” with William Spetz. It played on Scalateatern 2016 and went on tour in Sweden 2017-2018.
Smiley Smiles is a collaboration between Andreas Grill and Nick Malmeström wrote the song "Luv Parade” for the Japanese artist Misia. It came on 2nd place on MTV Japan 2007.
Smiley Smiles composed music for the Swedish/American TV-serie called ”Welcome to Sweden” with Greg and Amy Poehler in 2014.
Smiley Smiles has also composed several Commercials for TV and Radio. For more info about Smiley Smiles, click here.
Andreas has composed music and Sound Desgin for several attraktions on Gröna Lund Amusent Park in Stockholm since 1999. He has also designed Sound for many Museums and Theatre performances.

Andreas Grill, won the RIA award 2018 for best "Sound experience" for "Grotescos sju mästerverk"
Here is the motivation in Swedish:
Motivering: Årets pris går till en av kompositörerna bakom hela serien. En pristagare som på flera sätt blivit en Sveriges mest tongivande kompositörer. Serien har redan blivit TV-klassiker, med sin mästerliga blandning av brännande nutidshistoria, satir och musik.

Andreas Grill & Micke Lindgren, Riagalan 2018
Here follows a more or less complete list of credits:
Berklee College of Music, Boston, MA, Professional Diploma, 1995. Major in Music production & Engineering. Minor in Music Synthesis.
Conservatory of Music and Dramatic Art, Vienna, Austria. 1990-1991. Major in arranging and composition.
Stockholm University. Stockholm, Sweden. Completed 40 credits of Musicology studies. 1989-1990.
Kulturama School of Music, Stockholm, Sweden. Earned a Diploma in Music, 1986-1988.
Tonic Ocean - Danger. Single. 2024
"Eva Helena Grill". Album. 2024
Tonic Ocean - Last 365. Single. 2024
Herr talman 3 - EU-valet 2024. Composed by A. Grill, N. Malmeström, M. Lindgren etc.
Bröderna Öhman - Sörbäckenkartellen. 2024. Composed by A. Grill, N. Malmeström, M. Lindgren etc.
Göta Kanal - Vinna eller försvinna. Music from the movie by A. Grill and N. Malmeström.
Herr talman 1 & 2 - Valåret 2022 Album 2022. Composed by A. Grill, N. Malmeström, M. Lindgren etc.
Christmas Mindfulness - The Sleepy Orchestra, Album 2022. Music arranged by Andreas Grill & Nick Malmeström
Wilhelmina - Hallwylska museet. Signaturmelodi. Noter och Single 2021
Rob Lansberg - Pianissimo. Mix & Mastering. Album 2021
DJ Trexx and Grotesco - They will never stop the dance. Single 2021
Grotesco - Resten av mästerverken. Album 2018. Composed by A. Grill, A Grube, H. Dorsin, M. Lindgren etc.
Grotesco - Flyktingkrisen. Album 2017. Composed and written by H Dorsin, M Lindgren, A. Grill, A. Grube.
William Spetz - Mormor jag vet att du är i himlen men har du tid en timme” Album 2017
Per Andersson - Nevergreens. Album 2016
Paul Humble - Nylon. Album 2016
Sällskapet Bellmans minne spelar Bellman. Album 2015
Malin Carlsson - Stanna. Singel 2014
Per Andersson ”Refuserade Bidrag Melodifestivalen 2013” EP
Love of my life "The Century heart" Single 2012
Per Andersson med vänner "Pulver" EP 2012
Phonographics, "Chasing Ghost" - EP 2011 Mixing and Mastering
Love of my life, Singles 2010-2011. Production, Mixing and Mastering
Grotesco, "Musik från TV-serien”, 2010. Co-writing, Production, Mixing and Mastering
DJ Trexx, ”A union of peace love and bass” Single 2009 (Watch the video here)
DJ Trexx, ”The base is International” Single 2009
Grotesco ”Grotescos Tingeling” CD album. Andreas Grill has produced and composed many songs. 2009
DJ Trexx, P-bros and Olga Pratilova ”Tingaliin” single 2009
Grotesco, ”Tingleling”, Single 2009. No: 1 on Digilistan and stayed for 15 weeks in 2009.
Misia "Luv Parade” Japanese artist Misia recorded our song. 2nd place on MTV Japan 2007 (Smiley Smiles)
Portixol Pleasures Vol.3 ”Future Paradisie” (Smiley Smiles) CD 2007
Carola ”Främling” and ”Mickey” New backgrounds because of missing orginals. (Smiley Smiles) CD 2006
Portixol Pleasures Vol.2 ”Club 17” and ”Good Feeling” with Jennifer Brown (Smiley Smiles) CD 2006
Portixol Pleasures Vol.1 ”Swing of summertime” and ”Sonando” (Smiley Smiles) CD 2004
Kommissarie Tax, "10 låtar och ett mysterium” (Smiley Smiles) CD 2004 (Arranged, produced and mixed)
Henrik Dorsin och fyra Gollum ”Slängar av Sleven” CD 2004, (Arranged, produced and mixed)
MD Crew, ”We got the game” Single 2000 (Composed and Produced)
One hit wonders - Remix 1998
Sven-Enrique Magnusson. ”Mi guitarra” arrangement Single 1997
Michael Harburt ”Bring me joy” Remix 1997
Robert Wells, ”Santa Maria” Remix 1997
DeDe ”Give me all you got” Remix 1997
Herr talman - SVT. Vinjett and 14 songs for three seasons. Music composed by A. Grill, N. Malmeström, M Lindgren.
Terese i Kassan - SVT. Vinjett and score. Music composed by Andreas Grill & Nick Malmeström
Göta kanal 4 - Vinna eller försvinna - Feature film 2022. Music composed by Andreas Grill & Nick Malmeström
Skolstudion - SVT. Vinjett. 2020. Music composed by Andreas Grill & Nick Malmeström
Framtiden runt hörnet - SVT. Music for six episodes. 2020. Music composed by Andreas Grill & Nick Malmeström
Berts dagbok" Feature film 2020. Music composed by Erik Hjärpe & Andreas Grill
"Svenska Nyheter" 2020, SVT. Song "Slutna kluster"
"Flykten från Smultronstigen" - Drama för unga - Sveriges Radio. Music by Andreas Grill
Guldbaggen 2020". Tomas Ledin Medley arranged by Andreas Grill & Nick Malmeström for SVT.
"Svenska nyheter 2019". Several vinjetts and songs inkluding DJ-Trexx Put it in, Putin.
"Guldbaggen 2019". Song "Ikväll är allt precis som det ska va'" Music by Andreas Grill & Nick Malmeström. Lyrics by: Samuel Åhman & Per Wickström.
"Svenska nyheter 2018", SVT. Several vinjetts and songs.
"Cringe" - Drama för unga. Sveriges Radio, Music for six episodes 2018.
”Grotesco 3” SVT-1 2017
"Cringe" - Drama för unga. Sveriges Radio, Music for five episodes 2017.
”Welcome to Sweden” 2014 Music for 10 episodes
Skavlan - ”Visan om Volvos olja” 2014
Skavlan - ”Ode till Lena Endre” 2013
Per Andersson ”Refuserade bidrag” Melodifestivalen 2013 (Andreas Grill & Nick Malmeström)
”Kontoret” vinjett 2013 (Micke Lindgren, Andreas Grill & Nick Malmeström)
”Shut up” Short film by Maria Avramova 2012. (Andreas Grill & Nick Malmeström)
"The Loop" Short film by Maria Avramova 2012
”Kontoret” vinjett 2012 (Micke Lindgren, Andreas Grill & Nick Malmeström)
"Pulver" Per Andersson, SVT 2012, Composition and production (Andreas Grill & Nick Malmeström)
"Grotesco 2" SVT-1 2010
"Skräckministeriet" Vinjett och musik. SVT2 2009
”Grotesco” SVT-1 2007
”Grotesco Royal” - Humorlabbet - SVT1 2006 (Andreas Grill & Nick Malmeström)
”Vi behöver dig” Information film, Lidingö community 2001
”Stockholms hamn” Documentary 1998 (Andreas Grill & Nick Malmeström)
”Thief” Short movie by Lasse Hallström 1998
”Cheetahs” nature film and ”Yellowstone” documentary 1997. Co-composer with Johan Nilsson
”FMV” - Information film 1996. Co-composer with Johan Nilsson
ICA-Ytterfilé, Jul and Jingle - TV commercial 2024
ICA-Nu sänkt pris - TV commercial 2022-23
Triss-Tre julkampanjer Radio commercial 2022
Electrolux - Webb commercial 2022
ICA-Så mycket billigare. TV commercial 2022
ICA-Röda korset sång - TV commercial 2021
Triss-2021 - Radio commercial 2021
ICA- En sjungande affär för dig - TV commercial 2021
ICA-Stigs sjungande priser - TV commercial 2021
ICA-Loas farväl - TV commercial 2021
Triss-Svensk Rock - Radio commercial 2020
ICA-Let's get basic - TV commercial 2020
ICA-Sommar 2020 - TV commercial 2020
Triss-Jul 2019 - Radio commercial 2019
ICA-Stammis the musical - TV commercial 2019
Lotto-Andra chansen - TV commercial 2019
ICA-Stammis the musical - TV commercial 2019
ICA-Mitt sommarlov - TV commercial 2019
Triss-Punk - Radio commercial 2019
Triss-Reggae - Radio commercial 2019
ICAs enkla veckomenyer - TV commercial 2019
ICAs egna varor, 4 versions - TV and Radio commercials 2019
Clas Ohlson - Christmas Songs Mindfulness Edition - Radio commercials and album for Spotify 2018
Triss -Two commercials for radio 2018
ICA-Påskklassiker 2018
ICA-”Kolla priset” 2017
Triss -Three commercials for radio 2017
Triss -Three commercials for radio 2016
OK/Q8 ”Piggelin” 2014-2017
ICA-”Made by Jerry” 2014
ICA-”Sound of bunkra” 2013
ICA-”Ulfs Grillskola” 2013
ICA-”Kumbya” 2013
ICA-”Kompispris”, Featuring Kikki Danielsson 2011 (Smiley Smiles)
ICA-”Kompispris” Web-remix-app, 2011 (Smiley Smiles)
ICA-”Kompispris”, 2011 (Smiley Smiles)
Gröna Lund, Twister 2011 (Smiley Smiles)
Bilia 2010 (Smiley Smiles)
Gröna Lund, Nygammalt tivoli 2008
Banco de Santander, 2007 (Smiley Smiles)
Leiras, 2007 (Smiley Smiles)
Gröna Lund, Kvasten, 2007
Verum fil, 2007 (Smiley Smiles)
HAFA Badrum, 2006 (Smiley Smiles)
Marbodalskök, 2005 (Smiley Smiles)
Electroloux, 2004 (Smiley Smiles)
SAS, 2004 (Smiley Smiles)
Löfbergs lila, 2004 (Smiley Smiles)
Nestle, 2004 (Smiley Smiles)
Harley Davidsson, 2004 (Smiley Smiles)
JM Kvartersfesten, 2003 (Smiley Smiles)
Kolmårdens djurpark 2003, (Smiley Smiles)
Kista Galleria, 2003 (Smiley Smiles)
Libresse, 2002 (Smiley Smiles)
"Je m´appelle Agneta" on Rival and on tour. Music and Sound design. 2024-2025.
"Soppjäveln" Soppteatern på Stockholms stadsteater. Music and Sound design. 2024.
"Tillbaka till tvättiden" Minimusical at Skansen. Arrangenments by Andreas Grill & Nick Malmeström. 2024.
"Gud förbannat vilket jävla show med Leif och Billy" Scalateatern, Kina, Cirkus, Turné. Music and Sound design. 2024.
"Kaffet" by Olof Wretling. Music and Sound design. 2022-2023.
"Hjälp mig inte" by William Spetz. Music and Sound design. 2022.
"Scalarevyn" Music and Sound design. Scalateatern 2020-2022.
"ART" Music composed together with Andreas Grube. Rival 2019. Tour 2022.
"Kvinnan i svart" (Woman in Black) Music and Sound design. Scalateatern and tour in Sweden 2019.
Mormor jag vet att du är i himlen men har du tid en timme" - William Spetz. Music and Sound design. Scalateatern and tour in Sweden 2016-2018.
"Grotesco en nära döden revy" 2015-2016. Music and Sound design. Scalateatern.
”Näktergalen från Holavedsvägen” Henrik Dorsin 2014. Arrangements.
”Godkänd kvalitetsunderhållning” with Henrik Dorsin, Scalateatern 2006-2008. Arrangements and Sound Design.
“Julbonus” Christmas show on Mosebacke with Henrik Dorsin, Per Andersson, Micke Lindgren mfl 2006.
”Slängar av Sleven” Henrik Dorsins nightshow on Mosebacke. Arrangements and Sound Design 2003-2006.
”Einsteins Dream” Directed by: Josette Bushell-Mingo 2001.
”My Darling Sister” Directed by Josette Bushell-Mingo 2001. One hour of filmmusic and Sound Design. the play was performed like a movie with lots of real time underscore.
”V for vendetta” Legendary giant theater and filmshow produced by Grotesco in Järla industriområde 2000. Sound Design.
”Revisorn” SAGA-Theatre, Lidingö, 1999 and 2005. Music and Sound Design.
”Kuckeliku” Grotesco Show on Foresta Hotel and Conference 2001. Music and Sound Design.
”Jul i Shanghai” Show by Grotesco, Jernet, Lidingö 2000. Music and Sound Design.
Theater de vill - Sound Design for many plays and performances from 2000 and forwards.
”Casabalkan” by Goran Stefanovski. Directed by Stina Ancker. Stockholms stadsteater 1998. Sound Design.
”Det saknade” by” Lars Norén. Directed by Björn Melander. Stockholms stadsteater 1999. Sound Design.
”In memory” Directed and written by Lodewijk de Boer. Stockholms stadsteater 1999. Sound Design.
”Amy’s view” by David Hare. Directed by Jonas Cornell. Stockholms stadsteater 1999. Sound Design.
Om att våga flyga - Maria Lundquist theatre performance om Lorensbergs teatern. Mix for cinema. 2023
KIA - Car commercials. 2021
Prylberget - SVT. 2021
Premiärdatum oklart - 10 episodes 2020. Sound Design and mix for SVT. Winner of "Kristallen" 2021.
Ambassadören - 30 episodes, SWE, NO, DEN 2020. Sound Design and mix in 5.1 for ViaPlay.
Williams Spetz - Mormor jag vet att du är i himlen men har du tid en timme. Sound Design and mix in 5.1 for SVT. 2018
Operation Klotty - 8 episodes 2018. Sound Design and mix in 5.1.
Ljuset återvänder - Documentary about the restoration of Nationalmuseum 2018. Sound and Mix
Grotesco - Flyktingkrisen. TV-mix. 2018
Fonus Commercial 5.1 movie and TV-mix. 2017
”Grotesco en nära döden revy” - 5.1 TV-mix. 2016
”Lea och skogspiraterna” 5.1 TV and movie sound design and mix. 2014
Färjan, 2012 Mixing
’Sofias änglar, 2012 Mixing
"Peter Carlsson live på Scala", DVD 2012, Mixing
"Grotesco 2", Sound design and mix on eight episodes - SVT1 2010 (A.Grill & Jorge Olivares Rivas)
"Tingeling the full story", SVT 2009. A 30 min short film, 2009.
Samsung, Two animated commercials 2009
Konebox, animated commercial 2008
"Godkänd kvalitetsunderhållning" Henrik Dorsins show on Scalateatern filmed for DVD and TV.
Vägverket, commercial 2008
SAAB "Turbo gene test", Sound Design, Web
”Grotesco” Eight 30 minutes episodes - SVT1 2007
”Grotesco Royal” - SVT1 2006
”Barnkanalen”, Five animated movies for SVT 2006
”Vi behöver dig” Information film, Lidingö community 2001
”V for vendetta” Film in a theater production 2000
"Winter Wonderland" Music and Sound Design. 2022
"Night Rider" Gröna Lund goes night club. Music for press show and show introduction. 2021-2022
All sound effects in Blå tåget, Kvasten, Lustiga huset, Kärlekstunneln, Eclipse, Skrattkammaren, Cirkuskarusellen, Jetgatan, Popexpressen, Spanskantoan, Tekoppar, Twister, Vilda musen and more, from 1999 to present.
Eclipse. Music and Sound Design. 2013 to present.
Lustiga huset. Music and Sound Design. 2011 to present.
Kvasten - Roller Coaster - Station house. Music and Sound Design. 2007 to present.
Spökhuset. Music and Sound Design. 2005-2015
Music and Sound Design for Kärlekstunneln 2001 to present.
Tekniska museet - Skogen. SFX and VO. 2024
Hallwylska museet - Composed a Hallwylska piano theme.
Skolklosters slott - Audio guide for adults. 2021
Hallwylska museet - Bögar. Mötesplatser i en förbjuden tid. 2021
Skolklosters slott - Audio guide for children. 2019
Nordiska museet - Arktis, medan isen smälter. Audio guide. 2019
Hallwylska palatset - 2004 to present. Audio guides and Sound Design for many exhibitions. Hallwylska podden 2017 - 2018.
Julita gård - Audio guide. 2015
Tyresö slott: Audio guide 2014.
Livrustkammaren - Sound design for "jaktutställning" Bröllop för kung och fosterland 2010. Armfelt 2012
Skoklosters slott - Speakers 2008. Ocean 2012. Audioguide 2019
Stadsmuséet - Sound Design to ”Häxan” 2007
Polismuséet - Sound Design and film to many exibitions, 2007 to present.